
Майстерка вчителів англійської мови на тему "Сучасний урок"

 Майстерка вчителів англійської мови на тему "Сучасний урок" була джерелом натхнення та обміну інноваційними методиками навчання. Поєднання цього заходу з майстер-класом з виготовлення креативних букетів додало творчого шарму та непередбачуваності. Учасники мали можливість не лише покращити свої викладацькі навички, але й створити чудові квіткові шедеври.

Тетяна Журавель. Розробка уроку. Тема "Sport".

  Lesson plan Topic: Sport Aims: - to improve reading skills; to present and practice new vocabulary; to practice reading a text for gist and detail; to practice skimming and scanning skills in reading. Language level: B1 Time: 45 min Materials: Laser B1, handouts Stage, Activity, Purpose of the activity Procedure, Teacher’s instructions Interaction Mode Time Lead-in Warming up Purpose: to acquaint students with the theme of the lesson and get interested them in it T: Good morning. Today we are going to continue studying the topic “Sport” and do different interesting exercises. But before we start our lesson, I would like to ask you one thing. Will you please remember what sport class you attended when you were children? Do you take up some sports n...

Тетяна Журавель. Доповідь "Possible ways of interaction with mixed ability classes"

  Тетяна Журавель Комунальний заклад Вінницький ліцей № 8 POSSIBLE WAYS OF INTERACTION WITH MIXED ABILITY CLASSES The problem of mixed-ability classes is very spread and common among many educational institutions. The reason for this is that there are varied learning styles, individual students ’ pace of studying , preferences, interests and variations of motivation. Each student is an individual who needs to be properly approached to help him or her understand the subject and moreover, use the acquired knowledge in practice to get the best result. But it is a real challenge for teachers to work with a big group of students of different temperaments and learning abilities. Many of them, especially young teachers, don’t know how to cope with this problem and therefore their teaching methods are not effective. As a result, students with a higher level of knowledge may not be interested in studying English if the tasks are too easy for them and vice versa, pupils with a lower l...